How to Get 50K Subs on YouTube In Your First Year

That’s 60,500 subscribers at the moment you’re reading this.
But we’ll bet that we’ve got more at the moment you’re looking at this.
This is because the rate at which we’re growing is huge, with over 725% more subscribers than we did in the prior year.
If you’re looking to get your first 50K subscribers on YouTube, read on.
We’re going to share the exact steps we followed to get from no subscribers to more than 60 thousand.
First, let’s give some background information about our channel.
About Our YouTube Channel
The YouTube channel we have is six years old. However, we didn’t start posting on a regular basis or even with a clearly defined plan until around one year in the past.
Our first videos were just random case studies, videos for service, as well as snippets from TV or news shows such as CNBC’s The Profit.
It wasn’t until twelve months ago when we began making regular videos with a specific plan for each video, that we noticed our subscribers increased dramatically.
It doesn’t matter if you have similar experiences with your channel or if your track is modern…
…either method, you can follow the steps we’re about to present today to achieve identical outcomes on the results of your YouTube channel.
On How To Get 50K Subs On YouTube
We’re not planning to devote much time working on this particular step.
This is because if you’ve read our previous blogs, you’ll know that we discuss this often with regard to digital marketing.
However, if you do not have a clear understanding of who your customers are, what they are interested in, and the reason they choose to purchase products or services…
All of your marketing efforts – not only YouTube- will prove fruitless.
You must create the content.
It’s impossible to accomplish that until you understand the person these people are and why they’re concerned about in relation to your service or product.
If you’re in need of assistance in identifying your target market or pinpointing their objectives and issues, check out our sample of targeted marketing blog posts.
Second step: Study your competitor’s Channels.
The next step towards obtaining 50K subscribers on YouTube includes conducting research.
In addition, identifying your market will provide you with some great ideas for content; it is not in by…
…looking into what the competition is doing can give you additional topic ideas.
You can check their engagement levels to determine which topics in the videos seem to resonate more or less with the audience you share…
…then follow the skyscraper method.
The Skyscraper method, in essence, means that you’re finding the top piece of information available about a specific topic.
And then create your content on the same topic, bigger and more valuable than theirs.
This means that you need your YouTube video to contain all the value that your rivals provide, plus a few.
This could mean that your videos are just larger than your competition; this is an added benefit.
This is because YouTube is determined to keep viewers on its platform as long as possible.
If your videos aid them in doing this, then you’ve been blessed with YouTube at your disposal.
As of now, the majority of you are entrepreneurs with a small or no-profit business.
Some of you might be thinking of super direct competition and think, “My competitors don’t have YouTube channels!”
It’s fine! They don’t need to be directly competing with you. They have to be accounts that are related to you and where you have a common target market.
For instance, let’s imagine that you’re selling knitting and yarn…
…and you won’t be able to find other companies that also offer adventure and also have YouTube channels for you to check out.
It’s possible to find knitter tutorials that could be a great option to look into for a different option.
While they’re not competing with your business’s yarn sales, it’s a channel that your market’s target audience will likely be attracted to.
There is a third factor to take into consideration when selecting YouTube video subjects…
…which is the next step of getting 50K subscribers on YouTube.