Agency Life: Managing Stress in a Fast-Paced Environment

The life of an agency is not easy. In a frantic environment like ours, pressure levels could rise, but our team can remain calm, cool, and relaxed. How do we do it? I manage stress by having a moment to chat with my mom or turning on my favorite films after I come home from work. This is what I do for myself,, but it might not work for a few of you. I surveyed our group of digital marketing professionals to share their strategies to relax – take a look at the responses below, and maybe you’ll learn something that can help you reduce your stress levels when things are more chaotic.
“I attempt to utilize stress as motivation to make my life easier. For example, I’ve learned that eating a balanced diet can reduce stress, so I engage in competing with myself about the amount of glass of water that I could drink on a given day. The more I challenge myself to do, the less I dwell on my stress levels and the more stressors I can use as the fuel for me to be more productive.
Other ways to manage stress include being with animals, playing games of ping pong at work or having conversations with coworkers to help me focus my thoughts on something positive or someone else! “
“I destress by working out – no matter how stressed/tired/whatever emotion I’m feeling I always find taking some time to work out – yoga, run, anything – helps me refocus and regroup. Particularly for me, running is like a therapy session that helps me think about everything – both bad and good
“I utilize my mornings to lessen stress. Getting ahead of your day usually reduces stress. However, when I know that the coming week will be busy, I make an effort to be in at least a half hour or 45 minutes earlier than I had anticipated. I am able to plan my day and improve the efficiency of my entire team which aids in reducing the stress level.”
“I manage stress by doing exercises. After a long day at work, one of the most effective methods I use to relax and relax is by going to a class for exercise which could be pilates, barre, or spin. Turning off the electronics and working out in keeps me focused and helps me focus my mind.”
“A couple of things that can help me deal with stress:
I try to get at minimum 7 hours of rest to ensure my mind is fully charged
Being organized and creating an action plan
Getting outside
I am thinking about the people and opportunities in my life I am grateful for”
“I am adamant that getting out of the office to enjoy some fresh air and walking helps me to relax when I am stressed. Music is also an enormous help”
“I manage stress by creating the game plan, and then planning out how I can tackle the issue or task. Sometimes, it helps to breathe deep or go for a walk or exercise. Other times, working out or doing something active helps me to release stress too.”
“Taking a stroll outside of the office, however it is, however long or how far away it is, always aids me in dealing with anxiety. If I’m struggling with mental blockage and need to clear my attention off of the task that is at hand is an excellent method to reset and get my mind back on track!”
“I strive to be focused on the work at hand and not focusing on my entire workflow, as it tends to stress me out. The trick is to create your routine in the morning first thing. After that, begin working through the list and take off items..
I check my emails three every day. If I do this frequently, I get unintentional requests that “highjack” my day and cause me to drift off course and cause anxiety. If it’s an emergency, people should IM, call or text.
When I’m overwhelmed, I make a call to my home. In times of stress, I’ll contact my wife to find out what she’s up to. It provides me with a new perspective and allows me to unwind from my work.”
“I’m an effective stress-reliever. Nobody likes being stress-ridden, but my home will benefit from having a higher level of stress. The music I listen to, working out or just doing something outside makes me feel more relaxed during times of stress, too.
To manage my stress, I prioritize. I am a huge fan of lists and the satisfaction when I cross something off my list dramatically lowers my stress levels. If I have a lot of things on my agenda, I take the time to write it all down, then arrange into daily tasks that I can manage. When it’s all written down and not bouncing around my brain and the tasks in front of me are much easier to manage.”
Tension or pressure applied to an object of material.
“the distribution of stress is uniform across the bar”
synonyms: pressure, tension, strain
“the stress is uniform across the bar”