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You already know that Content marketing can have a significant impact on the success of your efforts.
One of the most important and widely used factors is to create high-quality content that answers the buyer’s personal questions and is optimized for the search engines.
Have you ever thought about your brand’s communication and its consistency?
All your content must speak in the same voice and follow the same standards.
Continue reading to learn more about this topic and how you can make your audience’s experience memorable.
Consistent communication is important.
We are living in the Consumer 2.0 era. This type of customer will research the product/service as well as the company before making a purchase. This type of customer is also known to buy with purpose and demand assistance in different channels.
Imagine a consumer searches Google for the benefits of inbound marketing. They then find a Rock Content text written by an author that guarantees their inbound strategy is going to bring them many benefits.
This text contains a link that will take you to another article by a different author. The second author claims that inbound marketing is not as beneficial and that investing in outbound marketing would be safer.
Which information can a client trust? Is Inbound marketing beneficial or not?
Inconsistency can take away the credibility of your brand. A reputation that many companies have spent years trying to establish.
If your audience does not believe what you are saying, then it is unlikely that your website will rank highly in Google.
In the digital world, authority is like a ladder that brands can climb one rung at a time. Clear, non-conflicting texts help this process. Consistency in communication is also important.
You must ensure all writers follow the same logic when they write for your blog. It would be best if you also had the same tone, mindset, and intent.
While each blogger has their style and nuances, the differences between blog posts cannot be glaring. It is not possible to have one writer who follows MLA standards and another who values scannability.
It is also important to consider details such as the website’s writing guide. There is nothing more annoying than being distracted while reading content due to inconsistencies.
Brand Persona
A persona can be used to focus the interaction between a brand and its public around a particular character.
You can either create your brand persona from the ground up, taking into consideration the cultural pillars of your company, or you could mirror an existing individual.
For example, you can take inspiration from actress and activist Emma Watson if your brand is a women’s product. You can take inspiration from her speeches to highlight the values that your brand will cherish when communicating with customers:
Avoid any gender bias
Women’s empowerment and autonomy are emphasized.
Empower women with your products.
You can also rely on the narrative strategy of your brand. It is important to repeat the same speech over and over until it becomes part of your brand’s personality.
You probably think of Apple when you hear the phrase “Think Different.”
Apple’s big idea is to think differently. Apple’s iPods and iPhones have revolutionized the market.
Tone of Voice
The way a brand speaks to its target audience is called the tone of voice. This tone can be used to communicate the brand’s values and goals.
You will also increase the authority and awareness of your brand.
You can choose to speak in a formal or informal tone, depending on your persona. It would be best if you adapt your language to the medium through which it is being circulated, no matter what choice you make.
You can choose a language that is closer to your reader or one that is further away.
Rock’s brand guidelines expose our tone of voice to all employees.
Informal: without losing authority
Fun: without sacrificing objectivity, professionalism, or seriousness;
We love to teach. Rock Content was built on the values of teaching and learning — and our speech demonstrates that.
Confident: without being arrogant
Friendly: but not beyond common sense
Provocative: Aiming to encourage our readers to move forward;
David Allen would be very proud of you! We value simplicity and clarity when it comes to our communication.
Rock Content is flexible and adapts to the changing needs of its clients, readers, and freelancers. We can then help each rocker, client, reader, and freelancer achieve success.
Humanized: even though we’re a tech company, people are what matters. We aim to communicate more naturally, focusing on the person rather than the company.
Netflix is a brand that excels at defining its voice. Netflix is a streaming service that appeals to its audience in a variety of ways, including being funny, relatable, and up-to-date with the latest internet trends.